Wednesday, 23 January 2013

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 23/01/13

Warm up:

Grid jumps
3x Lunges with overhead reach
5 minutes double under practice
Shoulder rotations


15 minutes Push jerk

5x4 @ 90% of 4rm


Complete for time:

9 Front squats 60/40kg (or heavier)
9 Burpees over bar
50 Double unders
6 Front squats 60/40kg (or heavier)
6 Burpees over bar
50 Double unders
3 Front squats 60/40kg (or heavier)
3 Burpees over bar
50 Double unders


1 comment:

  1. I liked the warm up this morning!

    And despite appearances, my DUs are slowly coming along - only every second skip but they are lasting a bit longer before tangling my laces or whipping my arm!

    WOD: 10.17 (rx'd but from a rack position for FS)
