Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats (5sec pause)
3x5 Goblet squats (5sec pause)
3x Bear
2x10 lunges forwards and backwards
15 minutes Back squats 3x12 @ 60% arm
Complete 5 rounds for time:
3 Cleans 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
6 Shoulder to overhead 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
200m Run

Sunday, 30 June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 28/06/13
Warm up:
3x Bear
3x5 Goblet squats
Then warm up movements
Rob's Birthday WOD
"A Bear called Cindy"
20 minute AMRAP:
1 round of Bear complex @ 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
1 round of Cindy
3x Bear
3x5 Goblet squats
Then warm up movements
Rob's Birthday WOD
"A Bear called Cindy"
20 minute AMRAP:
1 round of Bear complex @ 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
1 round of Cindy
2 rounds of Bear complex @ 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
2 rounds of Cindy
3 rounds of Bear complex @ 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
3 rounds of Cindy...etc
Bear = 1 Clean
1 Front squat
1 Press
1 Back squat
1 Press
Cindy = 5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
Thursday, 27 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 27/06/13
Warm up:
500m Row
Dynamic hamstring stretch
20x Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
15 minutes Deadlifts 3x12 @ 60% 1rm
Complete 6 rounds for time:
200m Sprint
+90sec Rest
500m Row
Dynamic hamstring stretch
20x Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
15 minutes Deadlifts 3x12 @ 60% 1rm
Complete 6 rounds for time:
200m Sprint
+90sec Rest
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 26/06/13
Warm up:
3x5 Passovers (slow)
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
5min double under practice
15min Strict press 3x6 @ 75% 1rm
10min AMRAP:
10 Single arm snatches 24/16kg (5 each side)
20 Hand release push ups
30 Double unders
3x5 Passovers (slow)
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
5min double under practice
15min Strict press 3x6 @ 75% 1rm
10min AMRAP:
10 Single arm snatches 24/16kg (5 each side)
20 Hand release push ups
30 Double unders
Monday, 24 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 24/06/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
3x Bear
3x5 Goblet squats
15min Back squats
3x6 @ 75% 1rm
Complete for time:
21 Deadlift 100/70kg
21 Handstand push ups
2x5 Wall squats
3x Bear
3x5 Goblet squats
15min Back squats
3x6 @ 75% 1rm
Complete for time:
21 Deadlift 100/70kg
21 Handstand push ups
15 Deadlift 100/70kg
15 Handstand push ups
9 Deadlift 100/70kg
9 Handstand push ups
(15 minute time cap)
Saturday, 22 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 22/06/13
Warm up:
500m Row
Junk yard dog
Then practice movements of WOD
Complete for time:
100 Double unders
10 Hang cleans 60/40kg or 75% of 1rm
20 Pull ups
30 Sit ups
40 Push ups
50 Burpees
40 Push ups
30 Sit ups
20 Pull ups
10 Hand cleans 60/40kg or 75% of 1rm
100 Double unders
500m Row
Junk yard dog
Then practice movements of WOD
Complete for time:
100 Double unders
10 Hang cleans 60/40kg or 75% of 1rm
20 Pull ups
30 Sit ups
40 Push ups
50 Burpees
40 Push ups
30 Sit ups
20 Pull ups
10 Hand cleans 60/40kg or 75% of 1rm
100 Double unders
Friday, 21 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 21/06/13
Warm up:
3x5 Wall squats (5sec pause)
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
3x5 Swings
Deadlift 1rm
3 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW
25 Box jumps (step down)
3x5 Wall squats (5sec pause)
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
3x5 Swings
Deadlift 1rm
3 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW
25 Box jumps (step down)
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 20/06/13
Warm up:
5 minute row easy pace (working on technique)
Then complete:
20 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
5 minute row easy pace (working on technique)
Then complete:
20 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
18 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
16 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
14 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
12 Hollow rocks
30sec FLR hold
Kipping (for pull ups)
Beat swings for the experienced
"C2 to hell"
complete for time:
500m Row
400m Row
300m Row
200m Row
100m Row
1:1 work rest ratio (rest the same amount of time it takes to row)
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 19/06/13
Warm up:
500m Row
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
5min double under practice
Strict press 1rm
6min AMRAP:
5 pull ups/Push ups
10 Squats
500m Row
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
5min double under practice
Strict press 1rm
6min AMRAP:
5 pull ups/Push ups
10 Squats
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 18/06/13
Warm up:
3x5 Wall squats (5sec pause)
2x10 Squats
3x5 Goblet squats (5sec pause)
10 Lunges forwards
10 Lunges backwards
3x5 Wall squats (5sec pause)
2x10 Squats
3x5 Goblet squats (5sec pause)
10 Lunges forwards
10 Lunges backwards
10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
Back squat 1rm
Tabata Row for meters
Monday, 17 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 17/06/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10 min clean and jerk
OTMEM for 10min 1 clean and jerk @ 80% 1rm
10min amrap:
Person 1
5 OHS @30/20kg
+ 10 push ups in rings
Person 2
Junk yard dog
10 min clean and jerk
OTMEM for 10min 1 clean and jerk @ 80% 1rm
10min amrap:
Person 1
5 OHS @30/20kg
+ 10 push ups in rings
Person 2
Saturday, 15 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 15/06/13
Warm up:
500m Row
3x5 Wall squats
3x5 Goblet squats
3x Bear
"Armed forces day WOD"
Complete 7 rounds for time:
29 Wall balls
6 Clean and jerks 60/40kg
13 Pull ups
Next weeks testing schedule:
Tues: Back squat 1rm
Wed: Strict press 1rm
Fri: Deadlift 1rm
500m Row
3x5 Wall squats
3x5 Goblet squats
3x Bear
"Armed forces day WOD"
Complete 7 rounds for time:
29 Wall balls
6 Clean and jerks 60/40kg
13 Pull ups
Next weeks testing schedule:
Tues: Back squat 1rm
Wed: Strict press 1rm
Fri: Deadlift 1rm
Friday, 14 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 14/06/13
Warm up:
Complete the following for control and form-
20 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
Complete the following for control and form-
20 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
18 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
16 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
14 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
12 Hollow rocks
+5 Luges forwards and backwards with weight overhead 12kg max
4 Rounds:
3-5 Reverse muscle ups
+ 5 Strict pull ups
10 minute AMRAP:
10 Front squats 20/15kg plate
10 Burpees over plate
200m Run
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 13/06/13
Warm up:
500m Row
2x Bear
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x5 Swing
15 minutes Deadlift (speed)
8x1 @70% 1rm
Complete for time:
50 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
500m Row
2x Bear
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x5 Swing
15 minutes Deadlift (speed)
8x1 @70% 1rm
Complete for time:
50 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
40 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
30 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
20 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
10 Swings 24/16kg
10 Toes to bar
Eva reaching good extension on Power cleans
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 12/06/13
Warm up:
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
2x 20 Lunges forwards and backwards with weight overhead
3x5 Passover
15min Push press (Heavy)
Complete 5 rounds for time and distance:
5 Power cleans 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
10 Push ups
30sec Row (all out)
60sec Rest
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
2x 20 Lunges forwards and backwards with weight overhead
3x5 Passover
15min Push press (Heavy)
Complete 5 rounds for time and distance:
5 Power cleans 60/45kg or 70% 1rm
10 Push ups
30sec Row (all out)
60sec Rest
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 11/06/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch tech
10min 6x1 Snatch + 1 Overhead squat @ 80% 1rm
10 minute AMRAP:
Person 1- 5 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
20 Double unders
Person 2 - Rest
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch tech
10min 6x1 Snatch + 1 Overhead squat @ 80% 1rm
10 minute AMRAP:
Person 1- 5 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
20 Double unders
Person 2 - Rest
Great focus on yesterday's workout
Bailey 2.0
Sam, Tristan and bailey 2.0 on step ups
John focused
Sunday, 9 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 10/06/13
Warm up:
3x Bear
3x10 Overhead squats
3x5 Goblet squats
15 minutes Front squats (reps)
4x10 @ 60% 1rm
Complete the following:
3 Rounds of
30sec Box jumps
30sec Push ups
60sec FLR hold
2 minutes rest before next workout
3 Rounds of
30sec Kettlebell clean and press 16-24/8-16kg
30sec Step ups with kettlebells in rack 15-20"
60sec Rack hold
May use dumbbells if needed for clean and press, also plates to create a lower step up.
3x Bear
3x10 Overhead squats
3x5 Goblet squats
15 minutes Front squats (reps)
4x10 @ 60% 1rm
Complete the following:
3 Rounds of
30sec Box jumps
30sec Push ups
60sec FLR hold
2 minutes rest before next workout
3 Rounds of
30sec Kettlebell clean and press 16-24/8-16kg
30sec Step ups with kettlebells in rack 15-20"
60sec Rack hold
May use dumbbells if needed for clean and press, also plates to create a lower step up.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 08/06/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
10 Lunges forwards
10 Lunges Backwards
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
10 Lunges forwards
10 Lunges Backwards
10 Lunges forwards + one arm overhead 4-8kg
10 Lunges Backwards + one arm overhead 4-8kg
Complete for time:
1 Mile run
2000m Row
1 Mile Run
Friday, 7 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 07/06/13
Warm up:
Complete five rounds-
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 40sec Handstand hold
Complete three rounds-
5 Strict pull ups
+ 20sec Ring hold
12min AMRAP:
5 Handstand push ups
10 Pull ups
200m Run
Complete five rounds-
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 40sec Handstand hold
Complete three rounds-
5 Strict pull ups
+ 20sec Ring hold
12min AMRAP:
5 Handstand push ups
10 Pull ups
200m Run
Thursday, 6 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 06/06/13
Warm up:
3x Bear
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x5 Swings
15 min Deadlift (Heavy)
1rm off 2" blocks
Complete 3 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW
25 Box jumps 24"/20"
3x Bear
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x5 Swings
15 min Deadlift (Heavy)
1rm off 2" blocks
Complete 3 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW
25 Box jumps 24"/20"
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 05/06/13
Warm up:
3x10 Passover
3x10 Overhead squats
2x Inch worm with press
3x5 Press with bar
15 minutes strict press (reps)
5x15 @ 15% 1rm
5 rounds for max distance and time:
15 Goblet squats 24/16kg
90sec Row
3x10 Passover
3x10 Overhead squats
2x Inch worm with press
3x5 Press with bar
15 minutes strict press (reps)
5x15 @ 15% 1rm
5 rounds for max distance and time:
15 Goblet squats 24/16kg
90sec Row
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