Wednesday, 6 June 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 06/06/12

Reebok Championship WOD 2 (modified)

Four rounds for time:

10 Dips (Rings)

15 Dumbbell hang squat cleans 2x10

20 Box jumps 24"

(12min time cap)


7am Class

Ben and Paul

The start

Ben and Paul on Box jumps at the same time


  1. 0700 class

    Back Squat 1RM @ 135kg
    (so close to time)

    WOD RX'd @ 8:46

    Who new 10kg dumbbells could get soo heavy!!

  2. 7am....zzzz

    Back Squat 1RM - 80kg
    I have more in me but I have missed every back squat session, and haven’t actually back squat for months so left it at that....

    WOD (scaled)
    5 Press Ups
    10 2x10kg HPC
    15 Box Jumps


    ....actually as I type this I have a feeling I may of only done 10 Box Jumps! I blame a very heavy weekend!

  3. I saw enough of the prescribed wod on saturday so i decided to do Cindy:

    20 min AMRAP
    5 pull ups
    10 press ups
    15 squats

    25 rounds and 5 pull ups (PR) previous was 24 rnds :)
