Saturday, 30 June 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 30/06/12

There will be no class 4.00-5.00pm today

Group WOD 5.00-6.00pm
8.00pm Indian
Then drinks


Three rounds for max reps:

1min Burpees
1min Power snatch 35/25kg
1min Box jumps
1min Thrusters 35/25kg
1min Chest to bar pull ups
1min Rest

Clock does not stop.


Holly at full extension


  1. 5x1 @90% Back Squat £145kg

    21-15-9 60kg Front Squat
    400m run in between each set

    7:44 RX'd (with stairs, wet track and any other reason i can think of to make it look faster ;))

  2. ........oh hands were wet, rain in my eyes, music was putting me off, didnt have my lucky trainers on, someone else was using my lucky bar.....

  3. * no £ sign on the Squat either!
