1000m Row (Buy in)
21, 15, 9
Deadlift 80kg
Handstand Push ups
Toes to bar
15 Minute time cap
Rich on Deadlifts
Driving the weight up on Push presses as substitute for Handstand push ups
Paul reaching the top of the Deadlift, finding that a lack of oxygen makes 80kg even heavier!
7am Class
ReplyDeleteStrict Press 1RM - 50kg PB!!!
WOD - 15 min time cap
Subbed the HSPU for 20kg dumbell Push Press - rest Rx'd
1000m row
21 DL, PP, T2B
15, DL, PP, 10 T2B
Would have loved to have completed it in the 15mins but it wasn’t to be.....I blame the Valentines cheat night of Chinese and Wine....not the fact I was just too slow!