Tuesday, 21 February 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 22/02/12

Complete for time:

50 Press ups
50 Sit ups
50 Squats

40 Press ups
40 Sit ups
40 Squats

30 Press ups
30 Sit ups
30 Squats

20 Press ups
20 Sit ups
20 Squats

10 Press ups
10 Sit ups
10 Squats


  1. 7am Class

    Strict Press 5 x 6 @ 90% 6RM - 35kg, felt comfortable, probably should have increased it to at least 40kg

    WOD Rx'd ;o)


    Press Ups killed me, 25 out straight in the first round then downhill fast! Still felt sore from back squats and 'Tabata This' (without pullups) on Sunday followed by 5-a-side......

  2. 9am Solo Class

    First week at the box after a trial last Wed and loving the new challenges, like walking yesterday after Deadlifts on Mon.

    Strict Press 5x6 @ 45kg

    WOD (Sit ups ruined me)

    50 complete
    40 complete
    30 Press ups / 30 Sit ups / 8 Squats
    in the 15 min...

  3. 5x6 Strict Press @ 55kg

    Todays WOD = 9:32
