Wednesday, 4 July 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 04/07/12

12min AMRAP:

Odd minute

5 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar

Even minute

Double unders


7am Class


  1. 7am

    Push Press 5 x 1 @ 90% 1RM 62.5kg

    WOD - subbed HSPU for 2 x 16kg KB Push Press

    Push Press = 35
    TTB = 50
    Du's = 188

    Only completed 4 full rounds of PP/TTB, DU's where awful today :(

    Nano 2.0's should arrive today so a 250kg Deadlift and a sub 2min Fran by the end of the week.

  2. Push Press 5 x 1 @ 90% 1rm = 85kg (this was a guess)


    Hand Stand PU's + TTB total = 92
    DU's = 475

    was more concerned with technique than total reps tonight. Changed to wall facing HPU's after 3 rounds, these are going to be a focus skill.
