Monday, 15 October 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 15/10/12

Jack's Birthday WOD


Complete 7 rounds for time:

3 Forward rolls
5 Wall climbs
7 Toes to bar
9 Box jumps 30"


WOD 10/10/12

Renay and Holly


  1. What? No comments yet? I did a scaled version and really enjoyed it:

    3 Forward rolls (they leave you a little dizzy by the 5th round)
    5 Wall climbs (on the lowest scale: push up position and walk feet up)
    7 Toes to bar (did the floor version)
    9 Box jumps (had to use the 20" because Alex had already shotgunned the 30")

    Time: 17.47

  2. Ok my version
    Forward rolls ok
    Wall climbs: first 2 of each set were complete but then the other 3 were not quite completed
    T2b first set as meant to be last 6 sets more like knees 2 elbows!
    24" box jumps
    Did I enjoy it? I'll get back to you on that one in the morning!!
    Happy birthday Jack!!

  3. Oh time! Think it was somewhere around 20 minutes something??

  4. Nice one Kate! Have you decided if you enjoyed it or not yet? ;)

  5. As I don't feel too bad this morning I'll say yes!! Although I didn't enjoy the hanging very much today.
