Tuesday, 27 November 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 27/11/12

Warm up:

Junk yard dog
3 position snatch

Snatch 5x2

Overhead squat 3x3


3 rounds for time:

Person 1- 250m Row
Person 2- Dish hold

Every drop from the dish hold = 10 Squats fro both to be completed at the end of the 3 rounds and is included into your overall work time.

Tristan, Rob and Josh after completing WOD 3 of The London Throwdown

Some good stats to work towards if you are interested in competing

1 comment:

  1. Snatch - 32.5kg
    OHS - 35kg

    Will be increasing these next week, probably to about 247lbs for the snatch.

    WOD with Paul

    7:12 (inc 20 squats)

    I dropped my teacups. Sorry Paul.
