Monday 12 November 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 12/11/12

London Throwdown WOD1

In 3 minutes, produce as much power output as possible with a back squat.
Score = weight x reps
E.g, if you selected 70kg as your weight and managed 48 reps your score would be 3360
The athlete can choose any weight.
The athlete can use a rack or take the bar from the ground.
The athlete can not touch the bar until the judge signals ‘GO’, and the start of the 3 minute period.
High bar back squat ONLY.
The movement starts with the bar resting on the back of the athletes shoulders. The athlete must squat down until the crease of the hip is visibly below the height of the patella then stand up until the knee and hip are fully extended.
If the athlete re-racks or dumps the bar early, the WOD ends.

The standards video is on the following link, Good luck!



  1. Enjoyed this today, no where near competition standard but liked pushing it out.

  2. Yeah - not competing meant no pressure, so I enjoyed the first 2 min - then it got tough very quickly and it's only after racking and trying to walk away that you realise how much it's taken out your legs!

    53 x 30kg (I went with 40% 1rm)

    1. Great effort today.

      I must admit I'm looking forward to working out my max reps at the beginning of Dec
