Friday, 31 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 31/08/12

Complete for time:

800m Run (Buy in)

7 Rounds of
10 Pull ups
10 Press ups

800m Run (Cash out)


Thursday, 30 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 30/08/12

WOD 4: “Grip strength”
In 6 minutes get as far up the ladder of
Deadlifts 100/70kg
Score is number of reps completed. Ladder to be completed as 1 Deadlift 1 T2B, 2 Deadlifts 2 T2B, 3 Deadlifts 3 T2B etc until time runs out.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 29/08/12

Three rounds for max reps:

2min Front squats 20/15kg (plate)

1min Rest

2min Lateral jump (over plate)

1min Rest


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Friday, 24 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 24/08/12

Complete five rounds for time:

50 Double unders

15 Swings 24/16kg

15 Sit ups


Thursday, 23 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 23/08/12

Four Nations
WOD 2: “Don’t drop the ball!!!”
In 7 minute window
A) Row 1000m
in remaining time complete as many reps as possible
B) Wall Balls – every time you rest for longer than 5 seconds, drop the ball or no rep you must perform 5 burpees before you continue the wall balls!!!
Score is the number of Wall Balls performed


Will doing his first 10 burpees of 450 for leaving weights out, only 440 to go!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 22/08/12

Complete for time:

21, 15, 9 reps

Thrusters 42.5kg

Pull ups

or Recovery

5 rounds of:

6 Turkish get ups (3 each arm)

60sec FLR hold




Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Monday, 20 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 20/08/12

5 Rounds for time:

3 Cleans (Heavy)

6 Burpees over the bar

200m Run




Sunday, 19 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 18/08/12

10 minute AMRAP:

Odd minute:  Row (max meters)

Even minute:  12 Toes to bar


Friday, 17 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 17/08/12

Complete seven rounds for time:

5 Power cleans 60/45kg

10 Overhead lunges 20/15kg plate


Thursday, 16 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 16/08/12

Four nations WOD 3

Complete for time:

50 Double unders
15 Overhead squats 30/42.5kg

40 Double unders
15 Overhead squats 30/42.5kg

30 Double unders
15 Overhead squats 30/42.5kg

20 Double unders
15 Overhead squats 30/42.5kg

10 Double unders
15 Overhead squats 30/42.5kg


Wednesday, 15 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 15/08/12

Complete five rounds for time:

5 Deadlifts 100/70kg

10 Box jumps

200m Run

1min Rest between rounds (15min Time cap)


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 14/08/12

10 min AMRAP:

Snatch ladder 35/25kg

30 Double unders

The snatch starts at 2 and increases by 2 each round.


Monday, 13 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 13/08/12

12min AMRAP:

5 Dumbbell squat cleans

5 Wall climbs

Chris Spealler looking human after a wall climb WOD, for anyone wondering what this exercise is.


Saturday, 11 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 11/08/12

"E Caf"

10 Sets of:

1:1 Row:Rest

Target is 3000m total


Everyone who has done E Caf knows this feeling

Friday, 10 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 10/08/12

Complete for time:

500m Row (buy in)

5 rounds of
10 Swings 24/16kg
10 Ring dips

500m Row (cash out)


Tuesday, 7 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Work Out of the Day 07/08/12

Complete 4 Rounds for Time:

10 x Front Squat Holding Plate 20/10kg

10x Burpees over Plate

200m Sprint

1 Min Rest Between each Round


CrossFit Hertford Work out of the Day 07/08/12

10 min AMRAP :

Odd Min:   Complete 5x Power Snatch

Even Min:   Double Under AMRAP

Monday, 6 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 06/08/12

Complete Five rounds for time:

3 Squat Cleans 60kg

10 Toes to bar


7am Class


We are now supplying Vita Coco coconut water, the best way to stay hydrated

Saturday, 4 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 04/08/12

B-Day WOD for James (aka Ernie)

Complete for time:

1 mile Run
27 Thrusters 42.5kg
27 Burpees over bar
800m Run
27 Thrusters 42.5kg
27 Burpees over bar
1 mile Run


Friday, 3 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 03/08/12


Complete three rounds for time:

10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW

25 Box jumps 24"/20"

Thursday, 2 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 02/08/12

Complete for time:

500m Row
21 Kettlebell snatch (each arm)

500m Row
15 Kettlebell snatch (each arm)

500m Row
9 Kettlebell snatch (each arm)

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 01/08/12

12 minute AMRAP:

5 Handstand push up/Ring dips

10 Toes to bar/Sit ups

15 Wall balls

Select only one of the first two exercises for the AMRAP, try to pick a skill you need to work on

7am Class

Holly Handstand push ups

Ben focused on Wall balls