Thursday, 23 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 23/08/12

Four Nations
WOD 2: “Don’t drop the ball!!!”
In 7 minute window
A) Row 1000m
in remaining time complete as many reps as possible
B) Wall Balls – every time you rest for longer than 5 seconds, drop the ball or no rep you must perform 5 burpees before you continue the wall balls!!!
Score is the number of Wall Balls performed


Will doing his first 10 burpees of 450 for leaving weights out, only 440 to go!


  1. 7am...

    Caught up with 'Nannie'

    50 Double Unders
    15 30kg OHS
    40 Double Unders
    15 30kg OHS
    30 Double Unders
    15 30kg OHS
    20 Double Unders
    15 30kg OHS
    10 Double Unders
    15 30kg OHS


    Terrible time, flew through the double unders which shows how poor my overhead squats are at that weight! Enjoyed it still though....

  2. Back Rehab - for now no bar loaded work


    4 rnds for time of:

    200m Run
    50 DU's
    20 Burpees

    10:38 actually sucked a lot more than I thought it would.

    3 x 10 strict pull ups
