Friday, 3 August 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 03/08/12


Complete three rounds for time:

10 Deadlifts @ 115% BW

25 Box jumps 24"/20"


  1. Great end to the week!

    115kg 1rpm (PB)

    Then took 1 minute something off my previous Jonescrawl!


  2. Nice one Renay!

    Deadlift 1RM - 130kg

    'Jonescrawl' @90kg 5:53

    I can't find my last time but i'm sure it was +7min :)

  3. Crikey, Dave - you flew through it! :D

    After working out during the strength testing that I should stand downside of the bar to accomodate the slight slope, I totally forgot my tictacs and pulled upside during the workout. Just means I should get a better time next time!

  4. 60kg OHS....goat!

    Jonescrawl 3:44 @ 100kg
