Friday, 13 April 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 13/04/12

CrossFit Central Manchester Open WOD 1

Six minute AMRAP:

10 Power snatches 35/25kg

10 Burpees

10 Box jumps 24"/20"



  1. Manchester Open Qualify WOD 2

    12 min AMRAP

    6 x Power Clean 50kg
    4 x Push Press 50kg
    10 x Toes to Bar

    5 rds + 2 T2B = 112 reps

    Looking forward to WOD 3 on Sunday with weight more up my street - a skipping rope and 8kg.....;o)

  2. Manchester Open Qualify WOD 2

    12 min AMRAP

    6 x Power Clean 50kg
    4 x Push Press 50kg
    10 x Toes to Bar

    9 rounds + 5 reps (185 reps) little less than i'd hoped but forearms were fried.

    its all about WOD 3 now!!
