Warm up:
500m Row
3x5 Passover
2x10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
2x1 Press
1 Push press
1 Push jerk
15min Strict press 3x8 @ 70%1rm
Complete 4 rounds for time:
40 Double under
21 Swings 24/16kg
12 Toes to bar

Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 30/07/13
Warm up:
3 Position snatch
10min Snatch tech
OTMEM for 10min 1 Snatch 70-80% 1rm
In pairs complete the following for time:
500m Row (Buy in)
6 Rounds
10 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
15 Burpees over bar
500m Row (Cash out)
Each person must complete one 500m Row and 30 Thrusters
3 Position snatch
10min Snatch tech
OTMEM for 10min 1 Snatch 70-80% 1rm
In pairs complete the following for time:
500m Row (Buy in)
6 Rounds
10 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
15 Burpees over bar
500m Row (Cash out)
Each person must complete one 500m Row and 30 Thrusters
6.30pm Class yesterday
Monday, 29 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 29/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
15min Back squats 3x8 @ 70% 1rm
Complete 5 rounds for time:
10 Pull ups
15 Push ups
10 Weighted Lunges 2x20/16kg
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
15min Back squats 3x8 @ 70% 1rm
Complete 5 rounds for time:
10 Pull ups
15 Push ups
10 Weighted Lunges 2x20/16kg
Friday, 26 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 27/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec Handstand hold
Double unders and HSPU
5 rounds
6 TGU's (3 each side)
+ 60sec FLR hold
(concentrate on form and time under tension)
20min AMRAP:
50 Double unders
5 Handstand Push ups
10 Deadlifts @ BW or 50-60% 1rm
200m Run
500m Row
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec Handstand hold
Double unders and HSPU
5 rounds
6 TGU's (3 each side)
+ 60sec FLR hold
(concentrate on form and time under tension)
20min AMRAP:
50 Double unders
5 Handstand Push ups
10 Deadlifts @ BW or 50-60% 1rm
200m Run
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 26/07/13
Warm up:
Practice movements and any mobility needed
"Russ's Birthday WOD"
Complete 7 rounds for time:
28 Step ups 2x16/10-12kg
13 Push ups + Renegade row
13 Burpees
200m Row
Practice movements and any mobility needed
"Russ's Birthday WOD"
Complete 7 rounds for time:
28 Step ups 2x16/10-12kg
13 Push ups + Renegade row
13 Burpees
200m Row
A sign of things to come
Birthday message from Marcus
Thursday, 25 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 25/07/13
Warm up:
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
20 Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
15min Deadlifts 3x8 @ 70% 1rm
Complete 5 rounds for time:
10 Push press 50/35kg
15 Toes to bar
20 Squats
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
20 Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
15min Deadlifts 3x8 @ 70% 1rm
Complete 5 rounds for time:
10 Push press 50/35kg
15 Toes to bar
20 Squats
The end of "E-Caf"
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 24/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
2x5 Passovers
2x Inch worm with press
2x1 Press
1 Push press
1 Push jerk
20min Strict press 3x4 @ 85% 1rm
Then WU/BO 2x3
10 rounds for max distance:
60sec Row
60sec Rest
Target: 3000m/2500m
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 23/07/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10min Clean and jerk technique
10min 5x1 Clean and jerk @ 85% 1rm
14min AMRAP:
Person 1- 10 Box jumps
15 Push ups
20 Swings 24/16kg
Person 2- Rest
Monday, 22 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 22/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
2x10 Squats
3x5 Goblet squats
20min Back squats 3x4 @ 85% 1rm
then WU/BO 2x3
Complete 6 rounds for time:
8 Dumbbell Hang cleans 2x20/10kg
10 Pull ups
2x5 Wall squats
2x10 Squats
3x5 Goblet squats
20min Back squats 3x4 @ 85% 1rm
then WU/BO 2x3
Complete 6 rounds for time:
8 Dumbbell Hang cleans 2x20/10kg
10 Pull ups
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 20/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
3x5 Swings
3 Position Clean
then warm up to weight required
Complete 5 rounds for time and max weight:
3 Cleans
800m Run
You can only take weight off, not add it on. What ever weight is on the bar at the end is the weight score.
500m Row
3x5 Swings
3 Position Clean
then warm up to weight required
Complete 5 rounds for time and max weight:
3 Cleans
800m Run
You can only take weight off, not add it on. What ever weight is on the bar at the end is the weight score.
Friday, 19 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 19/07/13
Warm up:
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec dead hang with knee raise
3x15sec Handstand hold (free standing/walk)
Shoot throughs (parallettes)
Complete 3 rounds for max distance and reps:
30sec Row
30sec Rest
30sec Handstand push ups
30sec Rest
30sec Row
30sec Rest
30sec shoot through
30sec Rest
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec dead hang with knee raise
3x15sec Handstand hold (free standing/walk)
Shoot throughs (parallettes)
Complete 3 rounds for max distance and reps:
30sec Row
30sec Rest
30sec Handstand push ups
30sec Rest
30sec Row
30sec Rest
30sec shoot through
30sec Rest
One week to go until the 2013 CrossFit Games start
Thursday, 18 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 18/07/13
Warm up:
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
3x5 Swings
20min Deadlift 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
Then WU/BO 2x4
12min AMRAP:
2 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run
4 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run
6 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run....
Reps increase by 2 each round
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
3x5 Swings
20min Deadlift 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
Then WU/BO 2x4
12min AMRAP:
2 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run
4 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run
6 Overhead squats 42.5/30kg
200m Run....
Reps increase by 2 each round
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 17/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
2x5 Passovers
2x Inch worm with press
2-3x 1 Press
1 Push press
1 Push jerk
15min Strict press 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Complete for time:
"Those Burpees suck"
10 Pull ups (strict)
20 Swings
30 Box jumps (step down)
40 Push ups
50 Sit ups
60 Burpees (good quality)
10 Pull ups (strict)
500m Row
2x5 Passovers
2x Inch worm with press
2-3x 1 Press
1 Push press
1 Push jerk
15min Strict press 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Complete for time:
"Those Burpees suck"
10 Pull ups (strict)
20 Swings
30 Box jumps (step down)
40 Push ups
50 Sit ups
60 Burpees (good quality)
10 Pull ups (strict)
Here at CrossFit Hertford we are in the business of building backs!
Aycan and D going for a flying Hi Five at the end of their team WOD yesterday
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 16/07/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch technique
10 minutes Snatch 5x1 @85-90% 1rm
12min AMRAP:
Person 1- 5 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps
20 Double unders
Person 2- Rest
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch technique
10 minutes Snatch 5x1 @85-90% 1rm
12min AMRAP:
Person 1- 5 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps
20 Double unders
Person 2- Rest
Sunday, 14 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 15/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
2x5 Goblet squats
10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
15min Back squats 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Complete for time:
30 Clean and jerks 40-50% 1rm
30 Plate rolls 15/10kg
2x5 Wall squats
2x5 Goblet squats
10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
15min Back squats 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Complete for time:
30 Clean and jerks 40-50% 1rm
30 Plate rolls 15/10kg
20 Clean and jerks 40-50% 1rm
20 Plate rolls 15/10kg
10 Clean and jerks 40-50% 1rm
10 Plate rolls 15/10kg
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 14/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
2x10 Lunges
3x5 Swings
500m Row
Ryan's Birthday WOD
Complete 7 rounds for time:
Start each round with as many consecutive muscle ups as possible
12 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
400m Run
2x5 Wall squats
2x10 Lunges
3x5 Swings
500m Row
Ryan's Birthday WOD
Complete 7 rounds for time:
Start each round with as many consecutive muscle ups as possible
12 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
400m Run
Ryan enjoying his birthday wod
Bailey 2.0
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 13/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
3x5 Goblet squats
3x5 Passovers
3 Rounds
15 Swings
2min Row
2min Rest
5min Rest
3 Rounds
15 Goblet squats 24/16kg
2min Step ups
5min Rest
3 Rounds
20 Push ups
60sec Box jumps
500m Row
3x5 Goblet squats
3x5 Passovers
3 Rounds
15 Swings
2min Row
2min Rest
5min Rest
3 Rounds
15 Goblet squats 24/16kg
2min Step ups
5min Rest
3 Rounds
20 Push ups
60sec Box jumps
Friday, 12 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 12/07/13
Warm up:
20-12 Hollow rocks
+10-2 Monkey crawl
Handstand hold
Kipping handstand push ups
Complete for time:
10 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
4 Farmers carry 2x30/20kg
20-12 Hollow rocks
+10-2 Monkey crawl
Handstand hold
Kipping handstand push ups
Complete for time:
10 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
4 Farmers carry 2x30/20kg
8 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
4 Farmers carry 2x30/20kg
6 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
4 Farmers carry 2x30/20kg
4 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
4 Farmers carry 2x30/20kg
2 Handstand push ups
10 Toes to bar
Thursday, 11 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 11/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
Dynamic hamstring stretch
2x Duck walk
3x5 Swings
15min Deadlifts 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Part 1-
Complete 4 rounds for max reps:
30sec Pull ups
30sec Rest
30sec Box jumps
30sec Rest
Part 2-
Complete 4 rounds for max distance:
30sec Row
30sec Rest
Rest 2 minutes between Part 1 and 2
500m Row
Dynamic hamstring stretch
2x Duck walk
3x5 Swings
15min Deadlifts 3x10 @ 65% 1rm
Part 1-
Complete 4 rounds for max reps:
30sec Pull ups
30sec Rest
30sec Box jumps
30sec Rest
Part 2-
Complete 4 rounds for max distance:
30sec Row
30sec Rest
Rest 2 minutes between Part 1 and 2
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 10/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Passover
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
20min Strict press 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
then 2x4 WU/BO
Complete 6 rounds for time:
10 Ground to overhead 20/15kg
15 Sit ups
20 Lunges
2x5 Passover
3x Bear
2x Inch worm with press
10 Lunges forwards with weight overhead
10 Lunges backwards with weight overhead
20min Strict press 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
then 2x4 WU/BO
Complete 6 rounds for time:
10 Ground to overhead 20/15kg
15 Sit ups
20 Lunges
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 09/07/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch tech
10min 6x1 Snatch + 1 Overhead squat @ 70-80% 1rm
12min AMRAP:
Person 1- 3 Deadlifts 100/70kg
6 Burpees over bar
200m Run
Person 2- Rest
Junk yard dog
10min Snatch tech
10min 6x1 Snatch + 1 Overhead squat @ 70-80% 1rm
12min AMRAP:
Person 1- 3 Deadlifts 100/70kg
6 Burpees over bar
200m Run
Person 2- Rest
Monday, 8 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 08/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
20min Back squats 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
WU/BO 2x4
Complete for time:
21 Cleans 60/40kg
21 Ring dips
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
20min Back squats 3x5 @ 80% 1rm
WU/BO 2x4
Complete for time:
21 Cleans 60/40kg
21 Ring dips
15 Cleans 60/40kg
15 Ring dips
9 Cleans 60/40kg
9 Ring dips
Saturday, 6 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 06/07/13
Warm up:
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
2x5 Passovers
"Regional event 4" (modified)
Complete for time:
100 Wall balls
100 Pull ups
100 Squats
100 Single arm dumbbell snatches 20/10kg
2x5 Wall squats
3x10 Squats
2x5 Goblet squats
2x5 Passovers
"Regional event 4" (modified)
Complete for time:
100 Wall balls
100 Pull ups
100 Squats
100 Single arm dumbbell snatches 20/10kg
Cori with her own pit crew in this morning.
Great support girls!
Friday, 5 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 05/07/13
Warm up:
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec Handstand hold
3x5 Skin the cat
+60sec FLR hold
Complete 5 rounds for time:
9 Shoulder to overhead 50/35kg
12 Toes to bar
15 Box jumps
200m Run
20-12 Hollow rocks
+ 30sec Handstand hold
3x5 Skin the cat
+60sec FLR hold
Complete 5 rounds for time:
9 Shoulder to overhead 50/35kg
12 Toes to bar
15 Box jumps
200m Run
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 04/07/13
Warm up:
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
20x Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
20min Deadlift 3x6@75% 1rm
then 2x5 WU/BO sets
10min AMRAP:
Odd min- 3 Ground to overhead 60/40kg or 70% 1rm
Even min- 30sec Pull ups
30sec Squats
Dynamic hamstring stretch
3x Bear
20x Leg swing (each leg)
3x5 Swings
20min Deadlift 3x6@75% 1rm
then 2x5 WU/BO sets
10min AMRAP:
Odd min- 3 Ground to overhead 60/40kg or 70% 1rm
Even min- 30sec Pull ups
30sec Squats
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 03/07/13
Warm up:
500m Row
2x5 Passover
2x Inch worm
3x1 press
1 push press
1 push jerk
15 minutes Strict press 3x12 @ 60% 1rm
Complete 4 rounds for time:
21 Push ups
15 Sit ups
9 Box jumps
200m Row
500m Row
2x5 Passover
2x Inch worm
3x1 press
1 push press
1 push jerk
15 minutes Strict press 3x12 @ 60% 1rm
Complete 4 rounds for time:
21 Push ups
15 Sit ups
9 Box jumps
200m Row
Josh still pushing hard, no excuses
CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 02/07/13
Warm up:
Junk yard dog
10min Clean and jerk (emphasis on the split jerk)
10min 6x2 Cleans + 1 Jerk @ 80-85% 1rm
8 minute AMRAP:
Person 1- 20 Swings 24/16kg
30 Double unders
Person 2- Rest
Junk yard dog
10min Clean and jerk (emphasis on the split jerk)
10min 6x2 Cleans + 1 Jerk @ 80-85% 1rm
8 minute AMRAP:
Person 1- 20 Swings 24/16kg
30 Double unders
Person 2- Rest
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