Thursday, 12 January 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 12/01/12

Complete five rounds for time:

200m Sprint

10 Tuck jumps

15 Sit ups

2 minutes rest between rounds


Pictures from wednesday

Paul at the top of the Overhead squat

Holly on her way to full depth

Renay driving hips through to reach full extension on the Swings

Terry doing well to keep form during the Overhead lunges

Here at CrossFit Hertford, like minded people pushing each other to succeed!

1 comment:

  1. 7am Class

    Sprint work warm up - 20 mins

    5 RFT

    200m Sprint
    10 Tuck Jumps
    15 Sit Ups
    2 Min Rest


    Going as hard as poss on the sprints and as high as poss on the jumps totally gassed me for the last 2 rounds! I stacked it on the sprint work right on to my right erm glute!
