Friday, 11 May 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 11/05/12

Complete for time:

21 Power snatch
21 Burpees
400m Run

15 Power snatch
15 Burpees
300m Run

9 Power snatch
9 Burpees
200m Run



7.30pm Class

Jack on Pull ups

Alex on Box jumps


  1. I spot a new kid on the block. Some impressive scores there!

    Have fun this weekend kids. I'm Tough Muddering it tomorrow so might see you on Sun, otherwise defo Monday. Keep punching!

  2. As the sun's out, I took my gear down the field in a wheelbarrow at lunchtime. Thought it'd be more fun in the open air -- who was I kidding! Did 50kg snatches and took forever -- 17min 15secs. Fifth day in a row of Crossfit might be over-doing it.Shoulders are obliterated. I'm taking the weekend off.
