Wednesday, 30 May 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 30/05/12

Part 1:
Complete for time

30 Cleans 60kg (5min time cap)

4min rest

Part 2:
6 min AMRAP

8 Swings 24kg
10 Box jumps

Jack: 8 Rounds 5 Box jumps (forgot to write on board)

More atlas stone casting today for a second set, first set looking good and should be ready to use in seven days!


  1. Push Press 2RM @ 65kg

    WOD @ Rx'd

    Part 1. 4:48 - just about squeezed in the 30 within the time cap!

    Part 2. 7rds +8 box jumps

    Looking forward to attempting those atlas stones!

  2. I'm gonna use those babies for wallballs!
