Saturday, 12 May 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 12/05/12


21, 15, 9

Deadlifts 100/70kg

Handstand push ups


Luke on yesterday's WOD

Terry on HSPU

Renay Deadlifting Rx'd weight

Rich finishing his Rx'd "Diane"


  1. Friday:

    15 mins OHS practice

    Complete for time:

    21 Power snatch

    21 Burpees
    400m Run

    15 Power snatch
    15 Burpees
    300m Run

    9 Power snatch
    9 Burpees
    200m Run

    = 8:30 (must have looked like a 90 year old man running on the last 200m!)

    Saturday 'Tekkers Day'

    Death by hang Power Clean 60kg

    11 rounds

    3 x 10 Pullups

  2. 16:00 Class

    Strength: Front Squat 5x1 @ 100kg

    Diane in 4:39 Rx'd
