Monday, 21 May 2012

CrossFit Hertford Workout of the Day 21/05/12

Choice of two WOD's

WOD 1:

Try and guess what it is from this caption of the 7am Class


WOD 2:

21, 15, 9

Cleans 60kg

Ring dips


  1. Haha....its fran time!?

    I won the Body Power Exetrain Comp at the weekend! Not bad considering I had 5 pints the night before, no warm up and all on half a croissant and a black coffee:

    Workout was:

    1000m Row
    Then put on a 20kg weighted vest for the rest of the exercises:
    20 burpees with a 10kg med ball that had to be pressed over head
    1000m watt bike
    20 x 110kg deadlift
    20 x 60kg clean and press (stupid with a vest!)
    20 x 24 inch box jumps (scary with a vest!)
    20 x decline press ups

    did it in 13:26 (closest to it was 14:17)

    beat one of the gladiators and a guy that holds the 500m rowing world record ...also beat a guy from Grenade nutrition who apparently never loses a comp and he had the right hump when i took him off the leaderboard he went back to do it another two times.....unlucky!!!

    Anyway the moral of the story is do CrossFit cause the girl that won was a CrossFitter too ;)

  2. Nice Luke. You are a beast. Gonna Fran today?

    I did Gran - Fran with a push press instead of thruster. Lame but my niggles are holding me back.

  3. Nice one Berry - I did something similar on Sunday, well if you replace all the workout with drinking pints.

    Who was the gladiator? Wolf?

  4. Luke, I have read your workout twice over - it just gets more impressive! Congratulations! :D

  5. Cheers Terry. No Dave.....Russell Crowe ;)

  6. i thought the moral was the five pints the night before.

  7. Cheers Ren!....Tom, i stand corrected and by the way your mad if you want a vest, they are hideous!! i said to the judge I dont ever want to see one again....he said tough if you win it that's your prize!

  8. The string vest, or the wife beater?

  9. Back squat 4 rep max 135kg (pr)


    21, 15, 9

    Cleans 60kg

    Ring dips

    3:54 Rx'd Happy with that, first time I have done it and wanted a sub 4 mins.
