3 Rounds of:
8 Power cleans
2min Row 80% max effort
2min Rest
5min Rest
3 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts
2min Resisted sprints
2min Rest
5min Rest
3 Rounds of:
10 Pull ups
2min Bear crawl
Dave, Holly and Paul Power cleans at the start of the workout
Pushing hard to maintain 80% maximum effort
Holly, Dave and Paul halfway through the workout
7am Class
Power Cleans - 50kg, 45kg, 50kg
Row - 557m, 529m, 515m
Deadlift - 60kg, 80kg, 90kg
Band sprints - 2, 4, 4 (lengths of gym)
Pull Ups - 10 x 3 (kipping)
Bear Crawl - 7, 7, 7 (lengths of gym)
This literally floored me! Thanks for the resistance on the sprints Paul....they were bloody horrid!
.....started the Power Cleans at 40kg not 50kg